1 can fresh mountain air
1 cup mischievousness
2 cups coffee
5 ½ ounces passion
2 cups geekiness
2 teaspoons smiles

Blend above ingredients with firm base of Graphic Design, fold in Art Direction, add a pinch of Motion Design.

The Current Stuff:
I design with strong coffee and a boundless enthusiasm for typography, infographics, and illustration. A dynamic Freelance Designer with experience expanding across fields from humanitarian aid work to art direction across a multitude of fashion brands.

The Background Stuff:
I grew up in southern California and attended California State University Channel Islands for my Bachelor of Arts degree in Studio Art. After working in LA as a designer for various companies, I moved to Edinburgh, Scotland where I studied and received my Master of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design at University of Edinburgh. In 2012, I moved back to Los Angeles with a growing appreciation of warm sidewalks, the metric system, and public transportation.

My MFA thesis project was titled
Joy in Movement. It revolved around encouraging the average individual to find joy in public transportation; to take advantage of being able to read a book on the way a destination, to be able to have a conversation with a stranger, to simply sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. Being back in Los Angeles, I have continued my thesis as a personal project. With the average citizen needing their own vehicle to travel from point A to point B, the idea of being in close proximity to individuals is often taken advantage of. From the majority of the population owning his/her own vehicle, 1/3 of an individual’s day is wasted in traffic, isolated from real human interaction.
Clients: n:p beautiful, End Sepsis, Voodoo Toys, Creative Circle (internal marketing), Episource, Da Vinci Schools, Umbro USA, Kama Sutra Company, Edinburgh Napier University, Slink Jeans, n: Philanthropy, The Acorn Store, Maison Midi, American Rag Cie.
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